Blackwood Marathon Relay
Saturday, 25th October 2025

Help us to Fundraise!
The Rotary Club of Bridgetown is small club with fewer than 20 members but it has a big presence in the Bridgetown community. The Blackwood Marathon Relay is it's major annual fundraising event, with around 200 teams involved each year. The funds raised from entry fees and donations go directly toward much needed but often unfunded projects in the Blackwood Valley region. Our Club's focus is on youth and the aged, often with a wellness theme. For example, Rotary Bridgetown was a significant donor in the upgrade of the Bridgetown swimming pool. The Rotary Tour of the Blackwood, a 135km cycling ride between Bridgetown and Nannup recently raised over $30,000 toward Blackwood Youth Action to fund a much needed youth psychologist for the region. The Club has also recently committed the sum of $100,000 for the Geegeelup Village retirement facility as seed capital for its application for an extension of the hostel accommodation.
Your contribution to our fundraising efforts are therefore highly valued and appreciated by us and our many beneficiaries.
Donations are securely collected via PayPal, can be as little as $10, and are100% tax deductible.
Thank you so much in anticitpation of your kind generousity!